About us

SIA “ServiceDO”

LV 40103394276 Lv1046, Latvia, Riga, Jurkalnes iela 6

- The company was founded in 2011

- Actually effective from 03/17/2011

- Legal adress: Rusova iela 28-73, Riga, Latvia, Lv1046

- Actual adress (location) : Jurkalnes iela 6, Riga, Latvia, Lv1046

- Presence of branches: no


Directions of the company:

  • activities in forestry 80%,
  • export 20%


Activities for transportation, wood shavings, export of woodworking products, pellets.

Advantages in the organization of competent logistics, advantages in organizing a low-cost policy, most of the exports.


Chairman of the Board: Marian Lyubich